Courtesy of Resolve To Save Lives

Advancing Trans Fat Elimination in the Eastern Mediterranean

15th July 2019

In June 2019, Resolve to Save Lives, Vital Strategies, World Health Organization (WHO) and WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean co-hosted a four-day course based on the REPLACE action package in Beirut, Lebanon.

During the “Regional Legal Capacity-Building Training to Eliminate Industrially Produced Trans Fat” workshop, participants from 15 countries identified the best policy option for trans fatty acids (TFA) elimination in their countries, developed monitoring and enforcement strategies, and drafted action plans.

This is the first workshop in a series of regional workshops based on the the L (“Legislate”) and E (“Enforce”) REPLACE modules from WHO.

Vital Strategies and Resolve to Save Lives will work with WHO to adapt and deliver the course to all WHO regions, and to provide technical support to participants.